Introduced Species Links
If you have photos to send along with your observations, please send them here.
If you have not submitted an observation for this site before (NO), the Latitude/Longitude need to be entered as decimal degrees below in order to include the observation(s) on our tracking map. If YES, you do not need to re-enter the Latitude/Longitude for the referenced site.
* Required
Have you submitted observations from this location before?* If no, the Latitude/Longitude need to be entered below in order to include the observation(s) on our tracking map. If yes, you do not need to re-enter the Latitude/Longitude for the referenced site.
Site Name* Name of Site or Location where survey was done.
Sample Date* Date (yyyy-mm-dd) of sample.
General Location (island or mainland region)
Site Modifier (e.g. East or Inner)*
Latitude in decimal degrees (eg. 36.94851473) For assistance finding the correct coordinates, please see the instructions here.
Longitude in decimal degrees (eg. -122.0648337) Reminder - include the negative sign for west coast observations in North America.
Depth (meters)
Density (per square meter)
Name* Name of person compiling/submitting data.
Affiliation University, laboratory, etc. with which this contact is affiliated (if applicable).
Email* Current email address for the primary contact for these data.
Common Name
Will you be sending photos (separately) for this observation?*
Additional Information (e.g. life stage, substrate, patterns, etc.)